Albums by Mark


Fields of Violet

New Album released January 2025.
Fields of Violet, inspired by the arrival of my baby daughter, is a restful album for children and adults alike.
Features orchestral strings, guitar, choir and warm synth pads for a peaceful, soothing experience.

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Released in 2014.
Journey is a collection of instrumental music inspired by travels and experiences in Australia and beyond.
A further progression from Tales from the Southwest with a more orchestral feel.
Instruments include orchestral strings, choir, synth pads and guitar.


Tales from the Southwest

Released in 2004.
Instrumental music inspired by the South West of Western Australia.
Features recordings from the creatures of the Australian bush and ocean.
Instruments include harmonica, lush strings, synth pads and percussion.



Released in 2003.
Instrumental music inspired by the  Western Australian town of Esperance.
Featuring the soothing melodies of harmonica, synth, zampona (pan pipes) and guitar with the sounds of the ocean.

Tracks can be heard by visiting the links below